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Ballard Film + Foto

Fujifilm Velvia 100f - 35mm

Fujifilm Velvia 100f - 35mm

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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  • ISO 100 Speed
  • 36 exps
  • Ultrahigh-Saturation Color Reproduction
  • Super-fine Grain
  • Color Image Storage Permanence
  • Superb Push/Pull Processing Suitability

Fujichrome Provia 100F Professional (RDP III) is an ultra-high-quality, daylight-type ISO 100-color reversal (slide) film. With the finest grain (an RMS granularity value of 8) among ISO 100 color reversal films and an extremely high sharpness, it captures details with unprecedented clarity.

Easy-to-use ISO 100 rating with a high level of color-saturation.
Attainment of high color-saturation level through the incorporation of cyan, magenta and yellow couplers.
RMS granularity of 8, one of the finest levels.
Color image storage permanence (anti-fading characteristics)
Minimum variation in color and gradation during push/pull processing over a range from -1/2 to +1 stop, providing an expanded range of photo-taking opportunities

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